Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name : Late Kaptan Mondal Date of Birth: 1 February 1932 Place of Birth : Vill. & P.O. Diar Fatehpur within P.S. Lalgola in Distt. Murshidabad (West Bengal) Marital Status: Married on 28 March 1961 Spouse's Name: Smt. Setara Begum Children: Four sons Educational Qualifications :
M.A., LL.B. Educated at Calcutta University, Calcutta (West Bengal) Profession :
Advocate Permanent Address :
16, Vivekanand Road, Haipatgunj, P.O. Murshidabad, Distt. Murshidabad-742149 (West Bengal) Tels. (03483) 55216, 55304 Positions Held :
1962 onwardsMember, I.N.C. Vice-President, D.C.C.; Murshidabad Member, P.C.C., West Bengal 1969-77Member, West Bengal Legislative Assembly Chairman, Estimates Committee, West Bengal Legislative Assembly Member, Public Accounts Committee, Public Undertakings and Committee on Government Assurances, West Bengal Legislative Assembly 1996Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Social and Cultural Activities :
Revived abandoned Manik Chak High Madrasah; Raised contributions from public; as Honorary Headmaster, Madrasah for two years; appointed required number of teachers and paid them lugging money & crops from local people-including Zainal Abedin, Ex-M.P.; established many clubs, Libraries, more than hundred Primary Schools, High & Junior Madrasahs, High Schools, Intermediate Schools, etc. Special Interests :
Establishment of educational institutions; social peace and harmony in the locality; agricultural development such as sinking deep and shallow tube wells, river lefts in the Ganga River etc.; improvement of road communication and law and order throughout the State as M.L.A. and Social Worker Sports and Clubs :
All kind of games, especially football, cricket and Ha-do-do Other Information :
Social worker since college days i.e. 1948 onwards; Headmaster- cum-Secretary, Manik Chak High Madrasah, Murshidabad, 1956-57; Secretary, Manik Chak High Madrasah upto 1968; Constructed village Katcha roads; organising students of both college and school of the locality Election Result :
Jangipur Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate10,47,225 Total votes polled 8,87,589 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates : (1) Shri Mohammad Idris Ali (I.N.C.)3,92,942 (2) Shri Zainal Abedin [C.P.I.(M)]3,79,820 (3) Shri Shyamal Gupta (B.J.P.) 66, 095 (4) Shri Abdus Sayeed (Ind.) 8,255  
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